by | Apr 27, 2019 | Posts
At a special Congregational meeting on Sunday, April 7, 2019, the Allen Temple Baptist Church made history by voting to elect Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson as its’ new Senior Pastor – the ninth Senior Pastor and the first woman to ever serve in this capacity in the 100...
by | Apr 23, 2019 | Posts
On Monday, June 3rd…The Bay Area will converge on Oakland, Ca to celebrate FreeDem Radio’s 8th Yr Anniversary This years event will have a relaxed attire of: Super Hero Tees, Denim and Converse(Sneakers) There will be many giveaways and raffle items, along... by | Apr 23, 2019 | Posts
On behalf of the entire FreeDem Radio Staff, we want to welcome you to our new page. Feel free to take a look around around…and let us know what you think and/or what we can do to improve your experience on our site. You will notice ways to stay in contact with...