Airing Monday-Friday 6am PST(9am EST)
Declare Victory is comprised of a several RADICAL believers in Christ, that come together daily to pray, worship, praise and build one another up as we grow in His Word together. We also find time and a common ground in the art of
humanitarian service from coast to coast, unified by a prayer call.
Founded by Dionne Jackson , January 1, 2014 it was immediately established that we had stumbled upon world changers everywhere. What began as a desire to pray, swiftly became a desire to create, impact and change culture globally through the power of prayer, relationships, training and teaching the word of God with practical precepts!
We are dedicated to helping re-position people:
- Homelessness | Food | Clothing | Shelter
- Youth Development | Teaching| Mentoring | Leadership
- Empowerment | Biblical | Practical | Leadership Training
- Creating Couture Culture | Financial Literacy | Business
impacting empowering , encouraging, uplifting, equipping and disciplining others to go back and support their local church and communities.
Check out the Declare Victory website: CLICK HERE